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发表于 2005-1-30 20:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
On various occasions Aghoreshwar talked about the importance of being practical for a householder who is pursuing his or her spiritual practice. It is very important for a householder to live such a life that those dependent on him or her do not go though any inconvenience or hardship. Even five or ten minutes spent by a householder in remembrance of God during the course of the day is more praiseworthy than twenty four hours spent by renunciates.

The following nuggets of teaching are taken from the discourses of Aghoreshwar Baba Bhagwan Ramji.

Without energetic endeavor and self confidence, man achieves neither material nor spiritual advancement. Education is essential for material progress and initiation for spiritual enlightenment. With unshakable faith and its background of experience even the most rigorous spiritual discipline is rendered easy.

If you want to live a meaningful life, take to simplicity. Subdue dishonorable thoughts and acts. Adopt simplicity and plain living as your philosophy of life. Love and fellowship are at the root of life. They constantly keep growing up the ladder of plain living. One who relentlessly pursues spiritual growth receives rare inspiration and attains the true knowledge of a realized divine soul.

Practical life alone is a happy life. The life of one who is impractical is like a drum which emanates sound only when beaten

There are four fundamental truths about life. It is not necessary that you remember all four. Remembering just two will lead you toward a blissful life: forget the good deeds that you have done for others, and forget the harm others have done you. The two other fundamental truths are to always remember God and death.

The married males of our Samooh,(society), Sri Sarveshwari Samooh, are worshippers of Creative Energy (Shakti). This, by extension, makes all males worshippers of Creative Energy. A man becomes whole only by contact with Feminine Creative Energy. It is only by contact with this Creative Energy that men derive the talents of intellect, strength, patience, competence, charity and compassion. The sorrow that often seems evident in this contact between male and female, is a weakness due to the male's attachment to illusion.

If you are married, observe the principle of one spouse and a disciplined life. Then you will not have untoward desires and you will begin to understand the Mother-Principle. Your heart will become simple and attuned to the Mother-Principle. Whatever you undertake then, you will succeed at.

The more you say something gently and softly to your children or your spouse, or your brother, or your friends, the faster they will be able to understand it. But if you just start yelling at them, then neither will they understand it, nor will you succeed in making them understand it.

Man is not the slave of circumstances; circumstances are the slaves of men. They test one’s abilities. The able man fights through the circumstance and marches ahead. He who chooses defeat and retreats has no substance. His life no longer has meaning.
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