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作者:新闻部  文章来源:海空神佛网  点击数9989  更新时间:2008-6-19 22:04:21  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

佛法之源:普光明大日如来是一个不可说的虚空法界,大宇宙。在《 西藏的观世音 》书讲,圆满报身所化之境。大日如来遍及虚空法界。每个毛孔中,都遍布着形形色色的界土。朝上仰视的毛孔中是所谓“等同世界”,这里由诸佛利益众生;横着平视毛孔中是所谓“艾恰界土”,这里由声闻和独觉利益众生;向下俯视毛孔中是所谓“伽洛界土”也叫“入目有宫”,这里由与自身的业力和福分相同之者利益众生。在大日如来平置于胸前的双手掌心中有一片熏香大海,海中生长着无数莲花,每一朵莲花的花蕊上都有许多界土。我们这个娑婆世界,便是其中一朵花蕊上二十五方界土中的第十三方界土,又正好在大日如来佛的胸际。凡投胎转生于娑婆世界的众生,尤其易生厌患出离轮回之心,故而在娑婆世界,即便是一刹那间的行善作恶,也比在其他界土上一大劫的行善作恶还有过之而无不及。如此等情,见诸《金刚顶上密续》,在《大方广佛华严经》中也略有记述。所以说佛法之源也称众生之源。 
在密法最重要有两个:1.是上师 2.是不漏密法 
我最希望的是每一位众生都能平等、自由自在的生活,都有一颗奉献的心。发挥自己最大的力量就可以了。(比喻小草,花,树。你不能叫小草变大树那样,也不能叫花变为大树,只要发挥自己最大的力量利益众生就可以了。)最后我愿苦海变莲池。 善人世界即将到来,愿各位吉祥如意,阿弥陀佛。 


1HaiKongGodBuddha Revealed No1(19 Essences Interlocution)


1 Praying for GodBuddha, What’s the source of the Dainichi and the source of Buddhism?

Source of the Dainichi:

The Dainichi is the Dainichi Tathagata, also call Sun GodBuddha, and the name is Vairocana Buddha in XianZong, Dharmakaya of Buddha. In the Lotus World, Manjusri and Samantabhadra is law enforcement on both sides. Oriental Akshobhya and west Amitabha is Law enforcemen on both sides, called Puguangming Tathagata in the Tantra.. The five Buddha are Oriental Akshobhya, South Ratnasambhava, West Amitabha, North amoghasiddhi and Centre Dainichi Tathagata.

Source of the Buddhism: ­­­

PuGuangMingTathagata is a unspeakable void dharma realm and big macrocosmos. In the bookTibet Guanyindescribed: The realm of changed was from perfection Sambhogakaya. Tathagata is pervading all void and the dharma realm. In Every pore, are filled with all kinds of boundary soil.  Upward : Look up to the pores is the so-called "equivalent to the world", where are living here by the Buddha to benefit all sentient beings; SidewardsLook in the pores is the so-called " AiQia field soil" , where are living here by shravaka and pratyekabuddha to benefit all sentients beings; Downwards:Look down the pores is the so-called‘Galuo field soil’ also called Into the palace of eyes, where are living here by their own karma and the same blessing to benefit all sentiens beings. There is a sea of incense in Tathagata’s both hands palm flat on the chest. There are myriad of lotus flowers grows in the sea, have had a lot of boundary soil on the stamens of every lotus flowers.  We this saha world, here is the Thirteenth Party boundary soil which is on the one of flower bud of Twenty-five square boundary soil, And just right at Tathagata Buddha’s chest, so if the sentient beings of transmigration who was born into this Saha world. Especially easy to make disgusted with out of the heart of transmigrate, Therefore even if it is for a moment of do good to evil in the saha world, also beyond what even other field soil a big kalpas of do good to evil more, so and so on. Please reference the bookDiamond top Tantra,and in thegenerous Kegon GuangfoAlso a slight description. So the source of Buddhism also called the source of all the sentient beings too.


2Praying for GodBuddha, what is normalization methodology, normalization all religions and cosmopolitanism?

Normalization methodology, no belong to our Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Christianity. Equality of law and law in the dharma, no high no down, that the normalization methodology is normalized equality of each religions. 

All religions normalization is that normalizing good words of our Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Christianity. Said in the dharmadon't do all evil, to do all good, said is that good of every religions. The spirit of live for all beings, dead for all beings.  said all religions normalization is normalized to good, at last must be charitable person world and world commonwealth.


3Praying for GodBuddha: Why the Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Christianity would happen internal fight? religions fight? Give rise to The World War Of Unrest?

First, we must be know the source of the Dainichi, the source of the Catholicism, the source of the Islamism, the source of the Christianity and where is the roots of the source of all beings. that's the void dharma realms by the Buddha said, the universe, paradise and the heaven all is one not two by every religion said.  that is the Universe, Tathagata, Sun-God, Allah, God, Host, Lord, all is a child by the same parent to born.  and our internal fight, fight against each other, give rise to unrest in the world, outbreak of war, should be check trouble shortcomings from every religious of us. determined to correct mistake at once, wash our SINS.


4Praying for GodBuddha: we often heard that some mages and every religious said the end of the world, Nine out of ten dead, unoccupied high-rise, and bones piled mountain, couldn’t happen?

Please rest assured, partial war and the plague will be come. but couldn’t happen at large-scale.

Every religions of us must be remember that don’t say these words, since this would bring about uncomfortable of peoples. everything is born from the heart, everything is dead from the heart, if all sentient beings are good, the world will be charitable person world necessarily.

Praying for GodBuddha: how much a few body does Buddha has? how to discern?

Buddha has four bodies, dharma-kaya, Samboghakaya, incarnation and self-nature body.

What is the dharma-kaya? such as there is no the air or yes? yes, but you couldn’t see, be found everywhere void dharma realms, so that we said dharma-kaya of Buddha is everywhere.

What is the samboghakaya? we see the image of Buddha by eyes, image of God, appeared of all the images was call samboghakaya.

What’s the incarnation? we said the person who is Buddha came back again, God came back again, so the person is the incarnation.

What’s the self-nature body? also call wonderful body wonderful size incredible, only is to achieved.


6Praying for GodBuddha, what’s XianZong and Vajrayana?

About XianZong, We usually said Chinese Buddhism.Pure Land Buddhism, Pontiff, The School of Vinaya, The Chan Sect, Vajrayana ,they are all call XianZong and Vajrayana.


 7Praying for GodBuddha, is’t easy to practice in Vajrayana? is there any difference between Vajrayana and XianZong.

Usually heard a lot of peoples said that Vajrayana isn't this foundation of us to practiced. Just eight bodhisattvas are available, or practiced the Vajrayana about more than seven years in XianZong. Actually is no, could you say they are all eight bodhisattvas in Tibet, so the living Buddha and the scriptures all explained that, any all beings who heard the word of Vajrayana, exactly that they have been provided for boundless all Buddha, Bodhisattva, and decree by destiny with Vajrayana in previous life. Padmasambhava prophecy; when the iron bird flying in the sky; when the iron horse running on the ground; our Vajrayana will be flourish and grow in the world. Iron bird refers to the

plane; Iron horse refers to the car. Now the European and American countries, Chinese area, Vajrayana can never be stemmed, and necessarily flourish and grow. The Vajrayana is achieve Buddhahood, Pure Land Buddhism always is with karma reborn in paradise. the same is chanted Buddha and chanted incantation. the incantation can be printed in nature directly. Since a incantation is better than a lot of name of a Buddhist monk. Metaphor the Vajrayana is for the sea, and the XianZong is for a drop of water. Vajrayana never teaching to outside in the past, just served by the Royal Palace Noble, we should cherished for the fate.


8Praying for GodBuddha, as we know best mostly is Guru in Vajrayana, where to find Guru what is the Guru?

There are two most important in Vajrayana: one is Guru, two is Vajrayana don’t leak.

Vajrayana is four convert.  Guru, Buddha, Dharma, Buddhist Monk. In fact the one is Guru. Metaphor Guru is the Sun, If the disciple want practice to be the sun so must be with the sun all in one then to be sun, if no, how many the big kalpas passed through also hard to succeeded.

Where to find the Guru. Because we are living in Chinese area, It was too hard to looking for a true and good guru. We must be praying in front of all the Buddha that make great compassion to benefit all sentient beings, Then inevitable could meet a good guru in the fate. And then, from a lot of gurus to seek out your root guru.Metaphor that found own nature parents. However the root guru is wrong or right, are all right. At last, Guru, Yidam, Dakini, Dharmapalas, Ormazd Blessing you to be Achieve Buddhahood,


9Praying for GodBuddha, Should we practice the Pure Land Buddhism, XianZong or Vajrayana at ending age of the dharma?

In Vajrayana, don’t has the dharma semblance age; dharma ending age, just has the true dharma. When the dharma was came, when these demons were born, the Vajrayana is that could broken down all demons. So we say that Vajrayana is very magical in the ending age dharma. Their power is not enough in the Pure Land Buddha and XianZong.

10Praying for GodBuddha, We are already practiced the pure land dharma by many years, Is’t ok to practice Vajrayana? Please Guru give us to explain.

The Pure Land buddhism is for primary school, future life to the West Elysian Fields. Because of at dharma ending age, Karma of all living creatures was grave, work is very busy, Older, illiterate.

(Chant the name of Buddha initial approach to become a Buddhist believer)

The JiaoZong is middle school, Research classics, The Tripitaka twelve part classics, by enlightenment be achieve Buddhahood. For some well-informed beings to practice.

The School of Vinaya for high school, keeping the precepts is for first, enlightenment and attainment. for some monks to practiced it.

Zen is for the University, have had one words said, if don’t understand practiced in Zen, so nothing to practiced. It is thus clear that the role of Zen was so great. Is for immediately become a Buddha, once enlightenment and become Buddha. Is for the monks who foundation is good to practiced it.

Vajrayana is for learned scholar’s lessons, Intitule Zen without Vajrayana, XianZong without Vajrayana, For the human bodily becomes Buddha. Since easy to practiced, become to Buddha soon, so is for learned scholar. (As long as with the Guru together that as one is ok). A lot of are for ordinary all sentient beings and monks to practiced it.

Already have practiced the pure land dharma many years, if want to practice Vajrayana that is best.

We make vows to reborn in western Paradis, reading Amitabha (heart mantra), found a good Guru, then The three saints of the West would meet and guide you when you gone to reborn, and Guru, Dakini, Dharmapala also meet you, how good. be sure to reborn the western paradise.


11. Praying for GodBuddha, what do you like best? what do you hate best?

Actually Guru is nothing to like and nothing to hate. That is all from move heart to show out that. Now that Guru like and show out it, hope is that every sentient beings become into Buddha Bodhisattva on one side. Most hate is the demons who broken down the life of wisdom of all beings.


12Praying for GodBuddha, How to discern what is good? evil? Buddha and demon?

Correct heart, All the evil dharma into true dharma, Evil heart, All the true dharma into evil dharma. We could observe what is the purpose of this Guru studying in Buddhism? For his own fame and gain or for the relief and benefit of all sentient beings. For oneself is demon, For all sentient beings is Buddha. A lot of real Guru, show of as the crazy, speak wrong, beat person, scold person, love money. Don’t look at the surface, need to see for who. So the Buddha said that only becoming Buddha can distinguish between good and evil, Buddha and demon! The man of practice is not seen fault in the world!

13Praying for GodBuddha, do you worship who?

I most admired is the Buddha, Lord, Allah, God, Deity, Charitable Person. The Lord who Jesus was nailed to the cross and still forgive those ignorant people. May God wash and brush their sins. This spirit is too great. These saints are our heart lamp, bright lamp, The lamp of wisdom, Dharma lamp, always stay in our heart forever. God bless you, Good luck and happiness to you.

14Praying for GodBuddha, What is your hope?

I best hope is that every all sentient beings will be equality with free life, Have a dedicated heart. Play to their own best strength is ok. Metaphor is the grass, trees and flowers. You couldn’t said that little grass grows to be as a big tree, Also can't said that the flowers into the big tree, As long as can play  to their best power to benefit all sentient beings is ok. At last , I wish the sea of bitterness becomes lotus pond. Charitable person world will come soon, Wish everybody good luck and happiness, Amitabha.

15Praying for GodBuddha, Why said a lot of monks at the front of the hell door?

Ananda who is the Buddha's disciples made a dream which dream of two scenarios: 1. one is he dreamed that the sun and the moon fell on the earth, then The mountain fell down and the river lake water dried up. 2. Two is that a lion was dead and all the beasts frighten far not forward. But those worms on his body has already eaten up the lion. Ananda asked the Buddha what’s going on about this. The Buddha told Ananda, first dream is betoken that I am going to nirvana. The second dream is betoken that I was nirvana after, Externalists demons who no one can destroy the dharma, Only our four assembly disciples destroyed the dharma. The Pure Land slandered the Vajrayana, also the Vajrayana feeling about that they are very advanced and look down upon those XianZong. Finally they fall into hell too. What a terrible. Don’t understand how much karmas to made by the body the mouth and the meaning. So said the monks must be praised the monks each other if want the dharma to be flourish and grow.


16Praying for GodBuddha, we made many karmas again after learning dharma, How should to confess?

After learning dharma, if made karma similar to know the law but break it, doubly guilty, very frightening. Now that made karma already, should to confess right now. Read the Vajrasattva mantra baiziming, his power is very strong, amazingly. Also must be make great compassion heart to benefit and transitional all living beings who becomes Buddha. We should follow joyful with merits and virtues of all sentient beings, in front of the Guru Yidam Dharmapala Ormazd to confess and promise that don’t make karma again in the future.


17Praying for GodBuddha, How many kinds of the demons? How to in control them?

Actually originally no demon, everything is all from moving heart to show out. If could control in the demons of inward heart, Outside the demon has gone away naturally. The Buddha said that the ten dharmadhatu is divided into ten kinds of sentient beings, Good people with good liberate, Bad people with bad liberate. Demon King should be changed demon head to liberate, Devil King should be changed devil head to liberate. with great wisdom, that is convenient way to regulate all sentient beings. With great maha karuna to killed the ten kinds of the evils then turn undead to every buddhism pure soil at last. (XianZong only liberate with compassion) To achieved outside and inside all are a whole, The demon and the Buddha add together as a whole. Become wonderful body wonderful size, turn into nature self-body, Certificated to the supreme congenital consciousness.


18Praying for GodBuddha, Aren’t you come for all of us?

Every Guru, Sage, Wise Man, They all have the power of avow. As like Amitabha, meet and guide is first, Created the Western Paradise. The Sage created the paradise and the kingdom of heaven. The Buddha left the dharma with all beings of the saha world and dharma-realm all beings. And Guru wish that all sentient beings becomes to Buddha, become to charitable person, sea of bitterness become lotus pond. Charitable person world. Actually every Guru, Sage, Wise Man all are comes for all beings. Who is the all beings to the finish? Originally is oneself. Ha ha a smile, Good man and Good woman, who is liberate who?


19Praying for GodBuddha, don’t fall cause and effect, don't oppose the cause and effect which a lot of mages has discoursed that but we still don’t understand, Please GodBudddha explain to us.

BaizhangZenMaster has finished the dharma at dharma meeting of ten thousand persons. A white bearded old man asked BaizhangZenMaster that haven’t cause and effect by great practice person? BaizhangZenMaster told him don’t oppose cause and effect. A white bearded old man enlightenment at that time. He said that I had spoken dharma here about five hundred centuries ago, then someone asked me the same question, haven’t cause and effect by great practice person? I said don’t fall cause and effect then fall down to be a wild fox body of five hundred centuries. Today I attainment of enlightenment. Tomorrow there is a wild-fox at backyard, please BaizhangZenMaster turn undead him. Because the wild fox was a mage too at five hundred centuries ago, only because of one words which don’t fall cause and effect that his heart was be disabled. if say right, liberate all beings, if say wrong then fall down the hell. Therefore it also made him fall into the five hundred centuries world fox body from this great delusion. BaiZhangZenMaster said don’t oppose cause and effect. Told him however you say yes or no, as long as your heart is not persistent by it is ok. The wild fox attainment of enlightenment right now. Everybody think about it, How much great BaiZhangZenMaster with blessing power and wisdom.


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