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作者:新闻部    文章来源:海空神佛网    点击数:631777    更新时间:2008-6-19





Bowed At The Great Guru HaiKongGodBuddha Of All Beings

Kotow Salute The Great HaiKongGodBuddha Of All Beings!

Kotow Salute The Great HaiKongGodBuddha Whom Don't Give Up Asentient Beings!

Kotow Salute The Great HaiKongGodBuddha That Seem As Vacant-SpaceAs No Attachment!

Bowed At Chinese Spiritual Leader!

Bowed At The World Spiritual Leader!

Bowed At Human Spiritual Leader!

Bowed At Universe Spiritual Leader!

Bowed At Vanity Dharmadhatu Spiritual Leader!

Bowed At Spiritual Leader Blessed One HaiKongGodBuddha!!!!!



HaiKongGodBuddha Brief Introduction


FaHao: HaiKongGodBuddha

He has been studying《The Book of Changes》;The Eight Diagrams ; Heavenly Stems; Earthly Branches; Astrology from seven years old.And he converted to Buddhism when he was twenty-two years old. He has studied Zen Buddhism ;Pure Land Buddhism;Pope;The School Of  Vinaya; Tantra;and other religious essence;Also he has visited the four famous mountains of Buddhism in China; Moreover he has visited other religion Holy Land. For example as some Higher Dignitaries, Living Buddha of  Tibet et alii; Pastors; Imam…


The origin of the name : HaiKong

I met my teacher when I was twenty-two years old. who has gave me a FaHao: HaiKong. When I was sitting in meditation and quietly, Natural emergence of a scene appeared in the natural character. A long time ago, there is a little boy who was playing on the beach. At that time the sea water was blown into the face of the child by the sea wind and then flow into his mouth, bitter and salty and astringent.

The little boy shouted to the sea: The sea, the sea; Why you are so bitter and salty and astringent?Then there was a big lotus flower appeared from the sea with an old man sitting in lotus flower with Humming sound surrounding him : Little boy , in the past, the sea water was so beautiful, delicious and sweet; but all living creatures have committed such deeply a sin, the sea water becomes such bitter, salty and stringent. My name is GuHaiChangQingBuddha .At that time, the little boy looked at the sky . The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was only a slice iridescent cloud. The child cried to the sky: The sky ,sky .Why you are not iridescent clouds but the dark clouds. Then the slice iridescent cloud became to a beautiful woman. Her feet step on the lotus flower with tears rolling down and down…My name is KongLuBulmo.  In the past, the sky were covered with iridescent clouds, just because God of the sky committed a sin, only I had became iridescent cloud. Then, GuHaiChangQingBuddha said to him : you are the sea of the earthly.KongluBulmo Said : You are the heaven of the sky.HaiKong was born. The Heavenly world was saved. Then Gods Dharmapala Ormazd all had a chorus of praise to him. The Dharma Sounds transmission to the Fahao of HaiKong that is JiangMo diamond head; World leaders ; Wonderful at ease; Wonderful auspicious; Wonderful God change; HaiKongGodBaddilm.


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