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作者:新闻部    文章来源:海空神佛网    点击数:10301    更新时间:2008-6-19
魔 --有众生说这个妄语,那个妄语,其实自己是妄语。说这个是魔,那个是魔,其实自己是魔。这个是附佛外道,那个是附佛外道,其实自己是附佛外道。心里有毒,看谁都是毒,心里善,看谁都是善。(善和恶是一对孪生姐妹。都不可取)即称为魔。  
佛 --修行人不见世间过啊。一切随缘。决不攀缘。有众生问,你随他答。如争辩,切退出。心不动,愿奉献他,合一体,变妙法,本来是一家。无渡而渡,才是真渡众生。见怪不怪,杀人,放火,吃人肉,喝人血,飞天入地,无奇不有,这才是正常的。因为这个世界是娑婆世界,五浊恶世,所以你还有什么见怪的?善和恶合一变妙法,这才是真的大善,妙善,即成为佛。 
双身 --佛是男,是女?佛既是男又是女。合二为一,生妙为佛。他既有男人的刚,又有女人的柔。从本性上讲,没有阳,没有阴,没有男,没有女。因为有分别,出现了男女阴阳。为了反本归元,破一切像。佛修双身,为一切合和法,生妙法,出现双身。几个明妃,空行母,在修行时,有多少众生投进佛胎,证佛果。《中阴身解脱》一书记载,修精气脉......证无漏神通。持手印,念真言,如一堂功课。这些是大智者所为,而非凡夫所修。注:松赞干布,文成公主(绿度母),尼妃公主(白度母),他们是观世音菩萨(因修双身,而回归本来)  



HaiKongGodBuddja Commentary 2

2HaiKongGodBuddja Commentary 2

1Praying for HaiKongGodBuddha, what is the demon? What is the Buddha? What is the double body?
Devil-- there has some beings said this is a talk nonsense, that is a talk nonsense, in fact he is talk nonsense. Say this is devil, that is devil, in fact, he is the devil. This is attached to the dharma externalists, that is attached to the dharma externalists, in fact he is the dharma externalists. Poison in the heart, see who all is poison. Good in the heart, so see who all is good. (Good and Evil is a pair of twin sisters. All about is undesirable.) that is devil.

Buddha—The man of practice can’t seen the negligence in the world. Everything let it be. Never climb lottery. If there are some beings ask, then you follow him to answer. If happened argue, then to quit. Heart don’t move. Wish consecrate to him, all-in-one, turn into wonderful dharma. We are a family essentially. Without liberate to liberate. That is really to liberate all sentient beings. Nothing to longer surprised, Kill person, Set fire, Eat human meat, Drink human blood, Fly sky and into the ground, Nothing is too strange, that’s just normal. Since the world is saha world, is Evil World of the Five Turbidities, so what else do you have in mind? Good and evil combined the one be the wonderful dharma. This is true great kindness, wonderful kindness. Achieved buddhahood right now.

Double body—Buddha is man or woman? Buddha is both male and a female. combine into one, born is wonderful to be the Buddha. He is the both man's strong and a woman's soft. So from the nature to say, no yang no yin and no male, no female. Because there are respectively, Appeared male and female Yin-Yang. In order to back original return into the source, Break all images. So the Buddha was practiced double body, For everything unity dharma, to born wonderful dharma, Appeared double body. A few Consorts, Dakini, when they were practicing, How much all beings has putted into the Buddha foetuses and achieved Buddhahood. The Bardos Body Mokshaa book of records, Practice vital essence nadis….. achieve supernatural power without leakage. Holding fingerprint, Chanting true words, Such as a lesson of practices. That is what to doing by great wise man. And no ordinary person can practiced it. NotedSrongtsen Gampo, Princess Wencheng (Green Tara), Nepalese Princess(White Tara), They were Avalokiteshvara.(Since practiced double body then return to original)


2Praying for HaiKongGodBuddha, Why said South of HuinNeng and North of ShenXiu?

The said of South of HuinNeng and North of ShenXiu in Chinese area. HuiNeng was pass away when ShenXiu told Empress WuZetian that HuiNeng was power more than him. So Empress WuZetian invited HuiNeng. HuiNeng was parinirvana. His natural character with ShenXiu were together into one to born wonderful dharma. At this time ShenXiu was achieved enlightenment in Buddhism. Is one of the original. HaiKongGodBuddha is the sun, Dakini is the perfect light.


3Praying for HaiKongGodBuddha, Why HaiKongGodBuddha website www.hksf.cnis the make name company? And is the buddlism’s website too?

If saw this website. All beings don’t angry that is strange! First impression is that under the flag of the Buddha to sponged money. The highest offer is about ten million for make name. And there are GodBuddha appeared. Much more than LiHuaZhi. Exactly everyone understood even if a child, But a lot of dharma friends felt like that these contents are quite reasonable. So rise on confidence about me again, And get the dharma joy. I want to delete the website, but my disciples praying for me again and again, so still not cancel. And added new contents again. I just everything let it beThe secret is here too.. Should the scold to the scolded, should the hate to the hated. I am the castle peak don’t mind the white clouds float, Practice ksanti-paramita, Heart don’t move, All sentient beings has no cause and effect.  
Zahid Le

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